Yaitepec , Oaxaca is a Chatino village up hill from Juquilla. The blouses shown here from the collection are part of the costumes used during the 1997 Guelaguetza. Bob Freund 2/22/2005

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A year later, I returned to Yaitepec to deliver the pictures I had taken. On the way up the road from Juquila, the State police waved us off the road. All the police were in the gully, looking up at the hills. Finally we were allowed to pass. We found out later that a gun battle had killed two state police. The town of Yaitepec was under siege and when I went to deliver the pictures, the storeowner barely opened the door, took the pictures, and asked me to leave as fast as I could. We did!! The little girl in the picture above is the same one shown on the first page.