Santiago Aquismon, a Huasteca town, located in the State of San Luis Potosi. The village still maintains its language and to some degree its textile tradition. During the towns Saint Day celebration their Quechquemitl and embroidered bag were very much in use. During a baptism ceremony a unique "papoose" to carry kids was universally used. There are at least two active embroidery groups with over 150 embroiderers. Bob Freund 8/8/2004 For more information contact:

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Aquismon_5Mass and baptism Aug 25 2004, there was also a procession where the saint is carried around town. Aquismon_a
Traditional quechquemitl, the central star motif is very common. For a detailed look at over 50 textile patterns click on the link below this gallery.
Shoulder bag of cotton cheese cloth.
Quechquemitl embroidered on muslin. These garments are slightly harder to embroider due to the tight weave of the cloth.
Look towards down town on the main street.
The local mountains, this picture is shot from the church.