San Juan Cuautla is a small Nahua village located in the Sierra Negra of Puebla. The use of the huipil in the town is still wide spread among the oldest two generations. The mountains in the background are in Oaxacas Mazatec region. Bob Freund 7/20/06
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During the visit to Coyomeapan, I was told about this town where the huipl is still used. This is a very small village at the end of the road. Usually I look around for a person in authority, so I went to the store. Remember most people here speak Nahuatl and Spanish is a second language. Once in the store, I presented myself and guess what the guy says to me? "Why are you attacking Iraq" I was floored, even in the remote corner of the world the people understood it was a horrible aggression. I told him that I was a political refuge and that the country (US) was dominated by right wing maniacs who find war a good way to prevent people from paying attention to them feeding their rich patrons. He agreed, because that is what happens in Mexico, just they do it with out war.

Over the loud speaker he blared a message over the hillsides “ aperson is here to buy huipils” in Nahuatl of course. Crazy! At least 30 people showed up with huipils.... what do you do? We talked for a while I picked one out and bought it.

If you look close behind the woman standing for the picture you can see the Huasteca region of the State of Oaxaca.