Cheranatzicrin, Michoacan is a small village with a fair degree of embroidered blouses and Purepecha costume still being worn. On my two trips to the village each time some sort of festival was going on.
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This village is hard to find, it is north of Paracho on highway #37. Watch out for the signs because the road into the town is hard to see. The village is located on top of a hill that is visible for some distance and the surrounding fields are fully planted in corn.


During my second visit to the town I noticed a great deal of activity and soon found out that there was a wedding going on. I met a few young men who had worked in Chicago at a Pizzeria there. They called the owner of a store and they came back from the wedding. This is the best of Fiesta costume.

The double cross stitch blouse with rose designs and a cardinal.
I actually had met the woman that was selling these blouses at the Festival in Zacan and it was a complete coincidence when she came out of the wedding to talk to me.
A close up of the blouse with a cardinal. This work is like tapestry embroidery.