Huehuetonoc is a remote Amusgo town dedicated to textile weaving and agriculture. There are many womenin town who weave huipils, table cloths, table runners and other textile crafts. these are often sold to other Amusgo in the nearby town of Xochistlahuaca. Bob Freund 4/2/2005
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The woven material can be crafted in a a number of different pieces of clothing , the first and third pictures are of tailored men's shirts by Pero Nazario Navarrete. ON the lom there is a non traditional checkered cloth being woven. Also pictures are two blue huipls that are typical of those that are woven for resale. The front panel is woven in traditional designs the rest is done in simple figures, the blue is not worn in the village but rather shows that the need to weave colors that are of interest to the national and international markets.

There is a new bridge of over the river and the picture is of my trustie Nissan Sentra SE with special suspension and tires.