Amusgos of Guerrero, Mexico, backstrap loom weavers , embroiderering and bead work are just some of the crafts and textiles you will find in the region.huipils, table cloths, traditional textiles.
These galleries are th result of over 5 different visits the the Amusgo region. In general the area is friendly and the climate is hot. The Amusgo maintain solid roots in thier culture and thier textiles are a clear expression of this. Recently there has been a building spree with many towns getting roads after 500 years of neglect. Textile co-ops are also being set up to better project the Amusgo crafts to the public. Please enjoy these galleries and if you are interested in more information, please email me. Thanks  Bob Freund

The Amusgo are located in the southeast of the state of Guerrero and in the west of the state of Oaxaca, the territory in Guerrero is not mountainous but in Oaxaca the territory is crossed by the Sierra of Yucuyagua and there's great variation in altitude. There are also a number of rivers - the Olmetepec and it's tributaries the Putla, Sordo, Areana and Santa Catarina. The climate in this area of the country is hot and humid with frequent rains

In the 1980's there were 20,000 Amusgos. The population has grown slightly since then. The primary economic activity is agriculture and handicraft manufacturing which includes: woven cotton goods including dresses, huipil, appliqué skirts, quechquemitl, table cloths and beaded blouses, as well as other objects made from clay and ixtle (cactus fiber).
As with other indigenous groups their religion is a mix of Catholic with elements of the old religion. They continue to believe that spirits control the environment and the good and the bad things that happen in the villages. There are shamans who understand this and can help the people control these events with rituals. Certain illnesses can be caused by witchcraft or by the spirits due to bad behavior or behavior outside the norm.

Festivals are primarily Catholic with Carnival and Easter being the largest and the Saints of each town are also celebrated.

Video of amusgo weavers and crafts people dress in traditional costume. Best if view with broad band, however there are dial up movies on the page.

Summer Institute's definition of Amusgo Language.© 2004 Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C. Click on here
For information in Spanish from National Institute of Indigenous People of Mexico click here
Enciclopedia de los Municipios de México
Info en Espanol de Xochistlahuaca.pdf
Info en Espanol de Tlacochizlahuaca.pdf
Info en Espenol de San Pedro Amuzgo.pdf